Energy costs are on the rise; read more about it here

If you live in the US, be prepared to shell out up to 17% more for utility bills this winter. The price hike is a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and colder-than-average temperatures. Even residents of Raleigh are not exempt from higher prices. If conserving energy is not something you have already done, consider investing in window film as it improves your home in several ways while also saving money on heating and cooling bills—with an ROI in as little as three years!

How Window Film Saves Money

The many layers of Raleigh’s home window films are made from PET, a durable material. Sometimes high-tech materials like ceramics are added to the mix, depending on their intended use. The finished product is typically invisible and does things like block UV rays or glare–but it mainly helps save homeowners money (see below for more details).

Window Film Keeps Heat Inside In Winter

Up to 30% of energy used to heat homes in winter escapes through windows. That’s wasted money each month for many Raleigh homeowners. Adding window film reduces the amount of heat that leaves home windows, resulting in smaller energy bills.

Window Film is Less Expensive Than Window Replacement

Though replacing old windows with new ones seems like it would save money in the long run, the initial investment is very costly. However, window film provides just as many benefits at a fraction of the price–plus, you’ll see your ROI for window tinting much sooner (about three years versus ten)!

Window Film Protects Hardwood Floors, Furniture, and Upholstery From Sun Damage 

Home furnishings, carpets, and hardwood floors can cost a pretty penny. Not to mention, they’re susceptible to damage from the sun’s UV rays–which actually account for 40-60% of all damage done to home furnishings. Window tints block these rays so that your belongings don’t get ruined over time, thus, saving you money in the long run.

Window Film Contractor in Raleigh 

Save on your energy bill this winter by contacting us today. We are the area’s leading window film contractor and can send one of our experts to your location for a free quote. If you choose, we can also install a money-saving window film on the same day.